C. BECHSTEIN piano price list and models


C. Bechstein instruments are produced in Europe, only of high quality materials.
Each step of production is done with attention to details according to knowledge and skills gained over the years. Factories of C. Bechstein are in Berlin and Seifhennersdorf.


C.Bechstein is a brand that joins craftsmanship of perfect instruments with the legacy of a solid company. Named after its owner it develops and functions in the industry since 1853 as one of the best. As the biggest manufacture in Europe, they use tested methods of the founder, and technical innovations as well. This way C.Bechstein achieves perfection in making pianos.

„One should only write piano music for Bechstein”
Claude Debussy

Why C. BECHSTEIN piano price list and models?


Instruments of C. Bechstein are produced only in Germany of carefully selected, high quality materials.


  • Hans von Bulowwww.britannica.com

    Hans von Bulow

    "Bechstein is for pianists as Stradivarius and Amati are for violinists."

    Michel Dalbertohttps://bechstein.com/

    Michel Dalberto

    "Bechstein grand pianos have the sound I have always dreamed of."

    Ferenc Lisztwww.pianostreet.com

    Ferenc Liszt

    "I have now played your instruments and they have maintained their pre-eminence for 28 years."


Carl Bechstein became a professional piano maker during the years spent in England and France. In 1853 he established his own business in the piano industry. The first sign of his craftsmanship was the golden medal award on the international exhibition in London. There was offices opened in London and Petersburg, a concert hall and two factories in Berlin to the end of the XIX century. Carl died in 1900, and then his sons Edvin, Carl and Johannes inherited the business. In the new century, the company achieved great results, and made 5,000 instruments in 1919. The first electric piano in history was made in 1930 as a result of the cooperation with Nobelist Wltherem Nemst. Second World War left a big loss in the C.Bechstein copmany. Jews emigration, high duty, internal family problems caused decrease in production. British and American bombings destroyed factories, and absolutely stopped production activity. The piano production resumed in 1954. It was really difficult to go back to the good times at the beginning of the XIX century. Karol Schulze was the one who brought it back. He bought the whole company from the Baldwin Company in 1986. Getting into stock exchange, opening new factories and prestigious salons strengthened its position in the industry.

What's interesting...

  • Neo-Bechsteinwww.technischesmuseum.at


    C. Bechstein which Walter Nemst created as the first electric piano in 1930.

    Gold for Victoria Queenwww.royalcollection.org.uk

    Gold for Victoria Queen

    The company gave a golden piano to Queen Victoria, when they were opening an office in London.

Models and prices

C. Bechstein pianos guarantee the highest quality in every detail. Each model is one of a kind. Prices are adequate to the effort put in making those perfect instruments. Noble sound and reliable action mechanism maintain their quality for many years.
C. Bechstein is a choice of the most demanding piano lovers.


Model Height Depth Weight Prices new Prices used Still produced
Concert 8131 cm67 cm50 000 € - 57 500 €12 900 € - 28 900 €Yes
Elegance 124124 cm64 cm29 900 € - 32 900 €Yes
Classic 124124 cm65 cmYes
Contur 118118 cm59 cm24 900 € - 27 900 €Yes
Classic 118118 cm59 cmYes
Millenium116 cm58 cmYes
8127 cm9 500 € - 20 000 €No
Concert 8https://galleryplus.ebayimg.com/

Concert 8

Details: Height 131 cmDepth 67 cmWeight

C. Bechstein upright Concert 8 - the concert upright of the extra class

Color/finishes: Black polished, white polished: walnut, walnut, mahagony, cherry, vavona, burl walnut each satined and polished; special woods and intarsia possible

New C-bechstein Concert 8 50 000 € - 57 500 €
Used C-bechstein Concert 8 12 900 € - 28 900 €

Elegance 124www.promenademusic.co.uk

Elegance 124

Details: Height 124 cmDepth 64 cmWeight

C. Bechstein upright Elegance 124 - elegant premium upright piano

Color/finishes: Black polished white polished; walnut, mahogany, cherry each satined and polished

Classic 124www.leipzigpianos.de

Classic 124

Details: Height 124 cmDepth 65 cmWeight

C. Bechstein upright Classic 124 - classical premium upright

Color/finishes: Black polished white polished; walnut, mahogany, cherry each satined and polished

Contur 118www.pianina.pl

Contur 118

Details: Height 118 cmDepth 59 cmWeight

C. Bechstein upright Contur 118 - premium piano, medium height

Color/finishes: Black polished white polished; walnut, mahogany, cherry each satined and polished

Classic 118www.leipzigpianos.de

Classic 118

Details: Height 118 cmDepth 59 cmWeight

C. Bechstein upright Classic 118 - premium piano with medium height.

Color/finishes: Black polished white polished; walnut, mahogany, cherry each satined and polished



Details: Height 116 cmDepth 58 cmWeight

C. Bechstein upright Millennium 116K - award-winning premium piano.

Color/finishes: Black polished, white polished



Details: Height 127 cmWeight

Nowadays C.Bechstein produces 8 model with the Concert prefix only.
Back then 8 model had only 2 pedals. Sometimes there were additional "a" or "c" letters for example 8a or 8c. It was dependent on year of production or desing.

Used C-bechstein 8 9 500 € - 20 000 €

Grand pianos

Model Length Height Weight Prices new Prices used Still produced
C-bechstein D 282282 cmYes
C-bechstein C 234234 cmYes
C-bechstein B212212 cmYes
C-bechstein M/P 192192 cm37 990 € - 57 900 €Yes
C-bechstein L167167 cm9 483 € - 34 990 €Yes
D 282https://www.101pianoandstrings.com/

D 282

Details: Length 282 cmWeight

C. Bechstein concert grand piano D 282 – a professional concert grand piano

Color/finishes: Black polished, white polished

C 234https://www.101pianoandstrings.com/

C 234

Details: Length 234 cmWeight

C. Bechstein grand piano C 234 - a professional concert grand piano

Color/finishes: Polished black, polished white, special woods polished and satinized



Details: Length 212 cmWeight

Professional concert grand piano

Color/finishes: Black polished, white polished, special woods polished and satined

M/P 192bechstein.com

M/P 192

Details: Length 192 cmWeight

C. Bechstein grand piano M/P 192 - professional concert grand piano

Color/finishes: Black polished, white polished; walnut, mahagony, cherry each satined and polished; special wood finishes polished and satined



Details: Length 167 cmWeight

A professional grand piano cabinet.
width 153 cm / 60" length 167 cm / 5'6" weight 318 kg / 701 lbs
Color/finishes: Black polished, white polished; walnut, mahagony, cherry each satined and polished; special wood finishes polished and satined

Where to buy?

Grand pianos C. BECHSTEIN piano price list and models

New Used

Pianos C. BECHSTEIN piano price list and models

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